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Activities, Nordic Walking, Covid-19, Football, Gratitude

Notes from the Neuro Café on 7th July 2021.


What have people been doing? Changing hairstyles, not walking as much as usual, planning a trip to Brighton, watching the tennis, gardening with the family (promising lunch then setting them to work in the greenhouse!) looking at David Hockney iPad paintings at the Royal Academy, celebrating birthdays, going on outings including the Lake District. Sca Fell Pike was recommended. Also, if you want to get out more and broaden your horizons in the UK, suggestions include Skye, Lake District, Derwentwater, Yorkshire Dales. Scotland is amazing - but watch out for midges… why not go sample the whisky at a distillery?

Nordic Walking

Some people enjoy doing this and others would like to learn. It demands a certain coordination to use opposite arms and legs and two sticks, and is harder than normal walking because it uses the upper body more. Ravenscourt Park is a popular location.


Restrictions are being lifted but most LEGS people will continue to wear masks, including those working at the coalface of hospital care who have seen first-hand how serious and dangerous a condition it is. One participant saw a person go from normally healthy to disabled in two weeks. No one wants to take any risks, and it was pointed out that wearing a mask for a social occasion is a lot less time and hassle than wearing it for a long shift at work! Everyone hopes things will improve. People are looking forward to going out… and praying that there will not be another lockdown.


Even those who don’t like football had to concede it is an exciting time, with England about to compete in the Euro2020 semi-final. We will all be watching later on tonight.


It is the birthday of the NHS, let’s show some gratitude! Be grateful for what you have, what you have overcome, and show appreciation. Did you know that the feeling of being grateful has positive benefits? What are you thankful for?

Many people are grateful for their spouses and loved ones and for the care they have received; why not express your thanks and let them know how thankful you are?

We heard an exciting tale of a frightened 16 year-old escaping across the border from an oppressive régime. They described themself at the time as both brave and stupid. After that dramatic event they did not see their family for five years.

Some felt grateful that neurological damage did not affect all aspects of life such as the ability to communicate. Others were happy to simply be alive following a major stroke. And of course, grandchildren!

What makes you feel better? Reducing the negative and focussing on the good things in life has positive effects on us and can even help reduce stress and pain.

You could keep a gratitude journal and note down your positive appreciations. This may help to lift your mood as you recall all the good things in life for which you are thankful.

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