'Unusual', 'challenging', 'difficult'... just some of the adjectives we have come to expect, within the opening moments of a phone call or first line of an email. Two months ago a cursory 'how are you?' might have surpassed but now, by unspoken agreement, we feel that our new world must be acknowledged, a cap must be doffed to these 'unprecedented times'. It seems almost impolite not to acknowledge the coronavirus shaped elephant in the universe.
We are learning, quickly, to come to terms with events which just a few weeks ago would have formed, as many astutely observed, a plausible plot for a dystopian BBC drama. The rate of change has been, at times, overwhelming, the pace of adjustment just a bit too demanding for us humans, essentially creatures of habit. But against the whiplash of the new, we have found healing in the certainties of life: love, connectivity, kindness, oneness. We have a new awareness of what and who really matters to us and we have stripped back some of the things which we thought we 'needed' to discover what truly sustains us.
Here at LEGS, we have felt more than ever the power of our small but important community. What we create in our groups, our shared support of one another, the way we strive to live healthy and meaningful lives by staying active, by staying connected has never been more vital. We are grateful to have each other.
If you are looking for some lockdown watching options, the brilliant Bill Withers' documentary, Still Bill (available in full on YouTube) is an uplifting and insightful watch. The now anthemic Lean On Me, has never seem so apt.
"Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow"